Membership Application – automatic renewals

Complete the form below to submit a membership application.

Your AACP subscription will automatically renew annually for your convenience and to ensure uninterrupted membership. Each year you will receive a notice 7 days before the payment is processed. Automatic renewals can be cancelled at any time.

The AACP membership year is from 1 January to 31 December.




Application Confirmation:

By submitting this form, you confirm agreement that you are applying to become a member of The Australian Association of Consultant Physicians Limited, ABN 91 003 881 230

AACP respects your privacy. The organisation maintains a database of names, addresses and other information relevant to membership of AACP. Any personal information collected is for the primary purpose of providing you with quality membership services. All information collected is treated as confidential and we do not make this information known to other organisations without your consent. You have the right to gain access to your information at any time. Any privacy related enquiries can be directed to AACP via